Facilitate Donations During Virtual Events
Donation integration that allows participants give during online events
Real time donation counter when using virtual background
Easy payment processing with earnings depositing directly in your bank account

Facilitate Donations During Virtual Events
Donation integration that allows participants give during online events
Real time donation counter when using virtual background
Easy payment processing with earnings depositing directly in your bank account
Empower Partner Companies to Fundraise
Facilitate attendee donations during virtual school events, classes, webinars, company meetings, and beyond
Have partner companies advocate and fundraise during sponsored events

Empower Partner Companies to Fundraise
Facilitate attendee donations during virtual school events, classes, webinars, company meetings, and beyond
Have partner companies advocate and fundraise during sponsored events

Seamless Integration
Easy set up process
Intuitive donation form
Patrons complete their donation without leaving the conference application
Receipt is sent after donation is made

Seamless Integration
Easy set up process
Donation integration into the campaign
Patrons complete their donation without leaving the conference application.
Receipt is sent after donation is made

Resources to Get Started