Butch Elkins and his service dog, Abner, sit on the dock during the filming of “Project Home: The Next Battle.”
Making a documentary is hard work, but the effort is all worthwhile when it gets recognized in a big way. That’s why we’re thrilled to announce that “Project Home: The Next Battle” was officially recognized as this month’s Documentary winner for the UK Monthly Film Fest!
“Project Home: The Next Battle” is set in North Carolina and Virginia. The film details the work of Canines for Service, and how the nonprofit changed three veterans’ and their service dogs’ lives. You can watch the trailer below.
“When I learned that ‘The Next Battle’ was selected, I felt extraordinarily grateful that this work had spoken and meant something to people that I have never even met,” said Bethany Teague, the Storyteller for the Click & Pledge Foundation. “I hope that someone sees The Next Battle and decides to stand beside Canines for Service with their finances, time or services to save a life. These would be the greatest honors ‘The Next Battle’ could receive.”
The Click & Pledge Foundation’s mission is simple: tell the untold stories. We film documentaries for small and mid-size nonprofits to highlight all their good work. When we submitted “The Next Battle” to the film festival, we aimed to make that audience bigger. Now the folks at Canines for Service are that much closer to a household name.
“We are overjoyed to help spread this story to audiences around the world,” said Shirin Zohdi, our foundation’s CEO. “This project was extremely near and dear to our hearts. We aim to help nonprofits reach and inspire a larger community through the power of visuals, by giving our partners the tools and resources to share their stories with the world.”
The UK Monthly Film Fest offers filmmakers the opportunity to showcase their work. The festival is currently selecting the Best of the Best winners for the festival’s annual screening in Norwich on Sunday, June 17.
You can also learn more about project “Home” and our foundation’s documentary series at clickandpledge.org.