Receiving a steady income from your donors is easier than ever before. Gone are the days of having to wait for the snail mail check to arrive every month, only after at least one phone call to remind everyone it’s that time of the month to give. Today, recurring donations bring a game-changing mix of old and new advantages for your nonprofit.
- Time saved – When amounts are set and the process is automatic, your precious time and resources are spent on tasks other than contacting every donor every month.
- Bigger donations – Data tells us donors are often willing to give more money when the amount is spread out over the entire year instead of all at once.
- Reliable cash flow – You don’t have to plan your November fundraiser only with the money you received in January. You know what’s coming in every month.
- Flexibility for all – Choose a recurring frequency that fits everyone’s needs. It can be weekly, biweekly, biannually…whatever you want.
We understand how crucial recurring donations can be in maximizing your impact. That’s why we’ve made it a breeze to stay on top of them.
Managing your recurring donations
- In CONNECT, go to Launcher > Transactions & Reports > Transactions
- Find the recurring transaction
- Click Manage Recurring
- To cancel a recurring, click CANCEL RECURRING and confirm
- If the amount needs to be changed, cancel the recurring and start a new recurring using Charge the Card
- To edit donor information, click EDIT/UPDATE. You may edit:
- Email address
- First name
- Last name
- Address
- Phone number
- Payment method
Additional Resources
We have created an in depth support article for additional help with recurrings donations. The article includes step by step directions for tasks like editing, transacting, and canceling recurrings.
Lastly, we have created several pre-built quick reports which you can download from the Dashboard when you log into your account. These reports will assist you with managing your recurring transactions as well as gather insights.