About Oliver Meredith

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So far Oliver Meredith has created 65 blog entries.
18 Jul, 2022

The Finisher – KEEN USA

2022-07-18T12:17:57-04:00July 18th, 2022|Tags: |

It’s time to go big or go home! That’s the spirit that sent KEEN New York’s executive director, Amanda Alvarado, to the finish line of the 2022 Los Angeles Marathon. She teamed up with KEEN USA board president John Hayato Branderhorst, who pushed her specially designed wheelchair all 26.2 miles.

29 Jun, 2022

Save The Waves Coalition Leverages Data to Make a Bigger Impact Fundraising

2022-06-29T12:43:06-04:00June 29th, 2022|

Along the coast of California, there is a nonprofit with aspirations to protect surf ecosystems worldwide. Since 2007, their passionate team has successfully united thousands of people around their cause and currently protects 243 surf ecosystems.

15 Jun, 2022

The Connector – Rainier Valley Food Bank

2022-06-15T13:03:04-04:00June 15th, 2022|Tags: |

From filling space with vibrant music, breaking down cardboard, and helping with the Grocery Rescue Program, "The Connector" jumps in wherever he can to help, saying hi to friends along the way and welcoming newcomers.

14 Jun, 2022
  • Key to-Change Studio

The Violinist – Key to Change Studio

2022-06-14T11:46:07-04:00June 14th, 2022|Tags: |

By offering excellent music instruction below the market rate, Key to Change extends the benefits of a classical music education to a new generation of young musicians.

2 Mar, 2022
  • This is our why.

This is our Why

2022-12-19T09:16:16-05:00March 2nd, 2022|

Creating a video for a nonprofit organization is a lot of work, but seeing the impact of our previous work keeps us moving forward.

17 Feb, 2022
  • Graphics for Nonprofits

Graphics for Nonprofits: How to Capture and Select Images

2023-02-14T15:13:22-05:00February 17th, 2022|

The use of images and graphics is essential for nonprofit organizations to grab donors' attention.

4 Feb, 2022

3 Ways Nonprofits Can Use Creativity To Fundraise More

2022-02-04T12:50:47-05:00February 4th, 2022|

This blog highlights 3 ways you can creatively increase donations. Check them out, adopt them, make them your own, and let’s have a great year of fundraising!

18 Jan, 2022

Redefining Nonprofit Social Fundraising with Peer-to-Peer Sites

2022-01-18T11:34:47-05:00January 18th, 2022|

The new platform offers customizable fundraising webpages that integrate dynamically with Peer-to-Peer capabilities.

17 Jan, 2022
  • Betty White Challenge

The Betty White Challenge

2022-01-17T17:10:47-05:00January 17th, 2022|

We have composed a list of a few Click & Pledge nonprofits you may wish to consider making a gift to in Betty White’s honor.

11 Jan, 2022
  • Peer-to-peer fundraising

Why is Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Effective?

2022-01-21T12:43:37-05:00January 11th, 2022|

Due to its boundless potential and social aspects, any nonprofit looking to maximize its fundraising should consider the peer-to-peer strategy.

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