Save The Waves Coalition Leverages Data to Make a Bigger Impact Fundraising
Along the coast of California, there is a nonprofit with aspirations to protect surf ecosystems worldwide. Since 2003, their passionate team has successfully united thousands of people around their cause and currently protects 243 surf ecosystems.
“A surf ecosystem is not just the wave,” said Mikaela Osten, Operations Manager of Save The Waves Coalition (STW), “it’s also the plants, animals, geophysical components of the location, and the community.”
A variety of threats can endanger a surf ecosystem. Some of these threats include pollution, coastal development, and erosion. Protecting these ecosystems is a lot of work, but STW is making massive progress by empowering the local communities and inspiring action from their global audience.
STW’s is challenged to maximize fundraising initiatives given their goal to protect 1000 surf ecosystems by 2030. Yet through fundraising with Click & Pledge and integrating Salesforce, STW is more confident in its fundraising than ever before.

Identifying Opportunities
Data is abundant in philanthropy, and with the right tools, organizations can use it to find tremendous opportunities.
STW recognized the potential in their data and took the time to implement Click & Pledge’s Donor Management Application on Salesforce.
“Having Click & Pledge integrate seamlessly into Salesforce has been a huge support for us,” said Mikaela Osten.
With a donor management system, STW now has more time to connect with communities and build relationships. STW works closely with many local communities, so they are committed to engaging with grassroots donor groups.
Given the tools provided to them at Click & Pledge, the opportunities are endless, and when the data speaks, STW listens and adapts its fundraising strategy. Right now, two critical statistics for STW’s are donor retention and acquisition. Improving these numbers is vital to STW’s fundraising success; without data, it would be impossible to know where they stood.
Understanding Impact
Data is for more than just identifying opportunities!
Every year, STW creates an Impact Report to provide an update on their operations and critical aspects of work. This report is essential because it builds trust in donors and partnering organizations.
Reports of this type are nothing to just ballpark numbers. They need to be accurate. Click & Pledge users can take this tedious task of tracking numbers and simply automate the process using the Donor Management application.
“During the end of the year reporting the Salesforce Integration is incredibly useful,” said Mikaela.
When creating an Impact Report, STW can be confident that their data is accurate. They have peace of mind knowing each donation throughout the year has been seamlessly recorded right where it should be in Salesforce.
Follow Their Mission
Save The Wave Coalition is just getting started. With their donor management systems in place, it is only a matter of time before they scale to reach their goal of protecting 1000 surf ecosystems.
If you are interested in following their mission, you can visit their website for more resources.
To learn more about a donor management solution for your nonprofit, schedule a demo and one of our fundraising experts will guide you to success.