Through all the cat videos and clickbait the Internet provides us, there’s a whole lot of noise that we have to sift through to find content that’s truly special. At Click & Pledge, we’re taking steps to fix that and create something that’s truly meaningful to video fundraising.
Today we’re excited to announce the release of pledgeTV™, a revolutionary new move in video fundraising. pledgeTV™ is an online video player that lets viewers act immediately by contributing to their favorite causes.
This is a new era for both online donations and nonprofit videos. We are a company that releases products at the speed of ideas. pledgeTV™ is just the next logical step as nonprofits increasingly use videos as a form of donation appeal. Best of all, it’s included at no additional cost for all Click & Pledge clients.
pledgeTV™ Lets You See When Donors Give
One of the more advanced features pledgeTV™ offers is the ability to “timestamp” a video with different donation forms. This allows nonprofits to further customize their video fundraising campaigns. For example, pledgeTV™ can link to one donation form five seconds into a video, and an entirely different form that’s 20 seconds into a video. Better yet, accounts can track the exact time that each donor gives during the video through real-time analytics.
Nonprofits and organizations who use pledgeTV™ will also have myriad ways to customize the design, colors and format of the video player.
pledgeTV™ is available now to all our clients, at no extra charge, as part of their accounts. To learn more, go to