18Apr, 2023

CTO of Click & Pledge discusses Data Security Standards (PCI DSS)

Stephen Williams, the Chief Technology Officer of Click & Pledge, is discussing Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) - a set of regulations that ensure the safety of donors' data on both their devices and the payment processor itself.

7Mar, 2023
  • How to Avoid Fundraising Lulls: Top Tips for Steady Success

How to Avoid Fundraising Lulls: Top Tips for Steady Success

Is your fundraising campaign stuck in a lull? Or, perhaps you’re looking for ways to proactively avoid one. Check out these tips for steady fundraising success

10Jan, 2023
  • Email Templates to Send Post-Donation Picture

Email Templates to Send Post-Donation

Your engagement with your supporters shouldn’t end once they click submit on their online donations or drop their checks in the mail. Instead, the period after the donation is an excellent opportunity to follow up with donors to thank them for their gifts, encourage ongoing involvement, communicate workplace giving opportunities, and more.

16Nov, 2022
  • Tips to Help You Prepare for Giving Tuesday & Year-End Giving

Tips to Help You Prepare for Giving Tuesday & Year-End Giving

We at Click & Pledge understand the significance of Giving Tuesday and year-end giving to nonprofits. We have created this blog to help everyone take full advantage of this upcoming opportunity!

9Nov, 2022
  • Why Communicating Your Nonprofits Mission is Important

Why Communicating Your Nonprofits Mission is Important

Your nonprofit’s mission is the primary focus of your efforts, and it’s important to take the time and effort to communicate that to your supporters. Here’s why!

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