How to Avoid Fundraising Lulls: Top Tips for Steady Success
Is your fundraising campaign stuck in a lull? Or, perhaps you’re looking for ways to proactively avoid one. Check out these tips for steady fundraising success
Is your fundraising campaign stuck in a lull? Or, perhaps you’re looking for ways to proactively avoid one. Check out these tips for steady fundraising success
The Click & Pledge Foundation’s fourth season of video production, Heroes Uncovered: Part 2 officially concluded in early February. If there is anything this series has shown us here at Click & Pledge, it’s that the heroic is quite often found in the seemingly ordinary.
Throughout the Click & Pledge Foundation’s Project Ocean production, we are using each month to spotlight our nonprofit participants. We are kicking things off with Save The Waves from Santa Cruz, California.
Loyce founded her nonprofit, Mwanzo, which means “new beginnings” in Swahili. The organization is committed to community-driven development, improving the lives of the 10,000 residents of Rabour and its 14 surrounding villages. Mwanzo provides a school for the local children, medical help and support for farmers and other entrepreneurs.
Our Click & Pledge Foundation team returned in early January from the Caribbean island of Bonaire, where we completed the first of 12 planned shoots for our Project Ocean documentary.
Bay Aging is heading into 2023 with welcomed momentum from record-setting fundraising during November.
Your engagement with your supporters shouldn’t end once they click submit on their online donations or drop their checks in the mail. Instead, the period after the donation is an excellent opportunity to follow up with donors to thank them for their gifts, encourage ongoing involvement, communicate workplace giving opportunities, and more.
The Click & Pledge Foundation presents Season 5 – Project Ocean. Project Ocean will take place from January to December 2023. Together with 10 Click & Pledge nonprofit customers, we will celebrate and advocate for our ocean, and therefore our world, through creative expression and tangible action.
To celebrate Trula’s never-quit spirit, the Salem Educational Foundation & Alumni Association is creating a new endowment in Trula’s honor. This will provide Salem High School students with scholarships to achieve their secondary education goals, something Trula has always been passionate about.
Ingrid is working to change the way we see and treat people returning from incarceration to begin a new life. Watch how she is fighting for justice through Jubilee Housing’s Reentry Transitional Housing Program and help them reach their $10,000 goal.